TransformYour Garden with Smart Watering and Monitoring


Spruce up your outdoor space with advanced garden care and intelligent landscaping services.

Unleash the potential of your outdoor space with our advanced garden care and intelligent landscaping services.

My Smart Home’s gardenwatering and monitoring solutions look after your garden when you’re not thereto do it. Our smart garden technologies offer you everything from lawninstallation services to sophisticated smart irrigation systems. Enjoyautomated garden watering and care. With our smart garden systems, your plantsreceive the water and nutrients they need, and you’ll save water and reducewaste.

Modern technology in gardening business. young woman with digital tablet working in a garden center.

Advanced Smart Irrigation Systems

Smart irrigation systemsare designed to optimize water usage andprovide your garden with the right amount of water with no wastage. Withautomated scheduling and weather-responsive programming, our smart systemsadjust the irrigation to real-time weather conditions. Take the effort out ofgardening. Your garden will thrive with My Smart Home irrigation systems.

Intelligent Landscaping Services

My Smart Home intelligentlandscaping services include full garden care, from design to maintenance.Garden experts work with you to create a sustainable and visually appealingoutdoor space. Integrated smart technology provides easy management to ensure avibrant garden year-round.

Security camera
Close Up of a Lush Garden With Various Plants

Remote Garden Monitoring

Use the My Smart Homeremote garden monitoring system to connect with your garden wherever you are.Check your garden status, receive watering needs and alerts remotely whenissues occur. Control watering schedules directly from your smartphone.